Connecting businesses and customers
To get your message outWe operate a network of local advertising websites, primarily in Texas and the Southwest, under the ShopHereGETPAIDSM brand.
For customers:
- Shop here, get paid! When you reserve cash back from one of our advertisers, and then verify with that advertiser (usually by making a purchase, but not always), you'll get cash back added to your account. When your cash back balance reaches $10.00 or more, request a check.
For advertisers:
- Try our pay for results product. Consumers love the cash back, and you'll see a direct return on investment.
- oooAdsSM
- oooPublishSM
- oooEmailsSM
- oooWebsitesSM
- oooContactsSM
We also offer:
- national advertising channels (oooAdsSM)
- online publishing software for magazines, town sites, and organizations (oooPublishSM)
- email addresses from a multitude of geographic and interest-based domains (oooEmailsSM)
- custom websites (oooWebsitesSM), and
- innovative contact management and communication software (oooContactsSM)